Monday, April 13, 2009

Life Sucks...

W-o-W long time no type! well to catch you up with my life, I decided to never go to my dad's again because my step mom is a jerk. My dad got pissed and turned off my laptop. Total bull. My dad tried to strangle my little brother... and I'm afraid of my dad. To top it all off he's forcing me to go to his house next weekend. THAT aught to be fun.

Friday, January 16, 2009

O_O Holy Cow

WOW! Long time! Ok so first off my Christmas was absolutely AMAZING! I got the laptop I wanted. Um, oh ya my teacher (Mrs. Rayborn) reminds me of my stepmom so I got out of her classes. Someone followed my blog (lord knows why my blog SUX) but thanks! I got some new songs for my phone. I went snowboarding (I hafta say I was amazing at it). Thats just about it.